Analysis of the influence of gender on physical self-concept in physical education classes



Physical self-concept, Physical Education, Adolescence, Gender.


In this work, physical self-concept has been assessed in a sample of adolescents in the province of Alicante (Spain), observing the differences in gender and distinguishing them according to the different dimensions of the physical self-concept. The study was carried out in the Physical Education subject, carrying out it to a total of 67 secondary school students, between the ages of 14 and 18 years. The research lasted 4 weeks, in which the Physical Self-Concept Scale was performed twice (before and after the intervention) in order to measure its 5 variables (physical condition, appearance, perceived competence, strength and self-esteem) . In order to carry out the analysis, the Kolmogorov-Smimov normality test was performed. The results obtained allowed us to verify how men, compared to women, had superior perceptions of their physical self-concept in almost all its dimensions (except self-esteem), especially in the variables of physical condition and appearance.

Author Biographies

Vanesa Rodríguez Iribarren, University of Alicante

Graduated in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, in the UMH of Elche. Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teachers, at the University of Alicante, Spain. Research lines: Educational innovation in Physical Education and Identification and analysis of a problem in Physical Education.

Salvador García Martínez, Universidad de Alicante

Bachelor of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences. Teacher- Sor Associate, Department of General Didactics and Specific Didactics at the University of Alicante, Spain. Research lines: Educational innovation in Physical Education and Identification and analysis of a problem in Physical Education.

Nuria Molina García, University of Alicante

Degree and PhD in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, specialized in sports management and teaching (UV). National athletics coach (RFEA) and swimming (RFEN). Master of Education and postgraduate in business creation and development (EOI).

Alberto Ferriz Valero, University of Alicante

Doctor in Educational Research (UA). Bachelor of Science in Physical Activity Sports (UA). University diploma in Primary Education teaching staff (UA). Master in educational research (UA). He has worked in different educational centers of primary education as a Physical Education teacher. He currently works at the CEIP Virgen del Remedio in Alicante and at the Faculty of Education of the University of Alicante, where he works as a teacher.

Fernando Vera, La República University

Doctor of Educational Sciences, mention in Evaluation and Accreditation; Master in Educational Administration and Management; Master in Curriculum and Evaluation; Master in Technology, Learning and Education. Research lines: Development of generic skills, active methodologies and integration of technology in the curriculum.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Iribarren, V., García Martínez, S., Molina García, N., Ferriz Valero, A., & Vera, F. (2021). Analysis of the influence of gender on physical self-concept in physical education classes . Transformar, 2(2), 3–19. Retrieved from

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