Skill-based performance indicators: A proposal from the Tuning model



Generic competences, Performance indicators, Evaluation, Professional development, Higher education


Indicator systems have been developed in response to a growing recognition of the importance of assessing and/or measuring performance, especially in the field of higher education. This article offers a set of competency performance indicators, designed from the Latin America Tuning Latin model, that could be used for this purpose. Therefore, the critical need to observe the development of these capacities to enhance both academic training and employability in today's job market is emphasized. Specifically, the aim is to translate generic competencies into tangible and observable actions. In this sense, it contributes to a more comprehensive and accurate assessment of the development of instrumental, interpersonal, and systemic sub-competencies. It is concluded that the use of these indicators can improve the quality of education and increase opportunities for success in the workplace.


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How to Cite

Vera, F. (2024). Skill-based performance indicators: A proposal from the Tuning model. Transformar, 5(1), 61–73. Retrieved from

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