Perception of Construction Engineering Students concerning Professional Competencies at a Chilean Private University


Palabras clave:

Professional competencies, Engineering education, Higher education, Skill development, Student evaluation


This study examines the development of professional competencies in 21 construction engineering students enrolled at a private university in Chile. Recognizing the growing demand for highly skilled professionals in the construction industry, the research aims to evaluate the students' self-perceived competencies using a 21-item Likert-scale questionnaire. The study focuses on identifying key strengths and areas for improvement in their preparation for the labor market. Results indicate a favorable perception of their abilities, particularly in technical problem-solving, teamwork, and effective communication—competencies considered critical for professional success in the field. The findings underscore the effectiveness of the current curriculum in fostering these competencies while highlighting the need for ongoing enhancement in practical training and leadership development. The main conclusion is that the students demonstrate a solid foundation of professional skills, positioning them well for career challenges, but there is room to strengthen specific areas to align fully with industry demands.


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Cómo citar

Vera, F., Buyones-González, H., Parodi-Camaño, T., & Romero Torres, M. E. (2024). Perception of Construction Engineering Students concerning Professional Competencies at a Chilean Private University. Transformar, 5(4), 17–38. Recuperado a partir de

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