Student Performance in Writing Prompts for Text-based GenAI tools in a Research Methodology Course


Palabras clave:

Prompts, Artificial Intelligence, Interactions, Generic Competencies


Prompts are essential for obtaining high-quality results in interactions with Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI). The precision and clarity of a prompt determine the relevance and usefulness of the generated response. This article explores how undergraduate students write prompts, using text-based tools to be assisted on their research proposals (n= 36). The results show that the group of students only reaches the knowledge level of Bloom's taxonomy in their interactions with GenAi. It is concluded that having access to is not enough. On the contrary, it is necessary to demonstrate various generic competencies, such as analysis, decision-making, and critical thinking. Moreover, the ability to formulate effective prompts is considered fundamental for maximizing the potential of GenAI in educational contexts, suggesting the need for specific training in the creation of clear and precise prompts to improve academic performance and research quality.


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Cómo citar

Vera, F. (2024). Student Performance in Writing Prompts for Text-based GenAI tools in a Research Methodology Course. Transformar, 5(2), 71–90. Recuperado a partir de

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