One Minute Paper como herramienta de evaluación formativa en la educación superior



Learning, Quality of education, Questionnaire, Statistic analysis


The Formative Evaluation seeks to monitor the teaching-learning process to provide continuous feedback, which allows improving the academic achievements of students from Higher Education Institutions. In recent years, research has revealed the need to create opportunities for class participation that facilitate active learning, whether within a traditional or interactive class structure. The objective of this study was to implement the One-Minute Paper (OMP) technique, as an evaluative practice, based on a set of questions, with different cognitive levels, which stimulate critical thinking, facilitate involvement in conceptual content, and encourage active learning. For this, 580 participants from various undergraduate subjects were exposed to the OMP technique, during a period of four sessions. In this way, the acquisition of conceptual contents and the degree of satisfaction with the implementation of the aforementioned technique were evaluated. The results show improvements, both at a theoretical, procedural and attitudinal level.


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How to Cite

García-Martínez, S., Vera, F., Ferriz-Valero, A., & Baena-Morales, S. (2023). One Minute Paper como herramienta de evaluación formativa en la educación superior. Transformar, 4(1), 35–46. Retrieved from