Faculty members’ perceptions of artificial intelligence in higher education: a comprehensive study


Palabras clave:

Artificial Intelligence, Higher Education, E-Learning, Educational quality, Learning experience


This study examines the perceptions of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in higher education among a group of 96 faculty members from a private university in Chile. This research focuses on five dimensions, addressing general perceptions of AI, its current usage in higher education, the impact on the student experience, concerns about its application, and future expectations. The findings indicate that the faculty generally holds a positive view of AI's potential to enhance the quality of higher education. They recognize the current utilization of AI, particularly in personalized learning experiences and administrative support through chatbots and virtual assistants. Faculty also report experiencing concrete benefits from AI, such as improved online teaching and learning. Despite this optimism, some concerns about privacy, equity, and the potential replacement of teachers by AI systems were expressed. However, participants held strong expectations for AI's role in the future of higher education. In conclusion, this study provides valuable insights into the multifaceted perceptions of AI in higher education, offering essential guidance for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) seeking to harness the potential of AI while addressing related concerns.


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Cómo citar

Vera, F. (2023). Faculty members’ perceptions of artificial intelligence in higher education: a comprehensive study. Transformar, 4(3), 55–68. Recuperado a partir de https://revistatransformar.cl/index.php/transformar/article/view/103

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