Integration of Artificial Intelligence in the Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities



Educative technology, Curriculum innovation, Artificial intelligence, Autonomy, Feedback


Various international reports identify education as a critical area to apply Artificial Intelligence (AI), with the potential to improve access and learning outcomes. With increased awareness of the applications and possibilities of AI in recent years, it has become the focus of university debates, globally, from academic integrity to curricular adjustments and many other aspects of the learning experience. In this article we explore the main challenges and opportunities higher education faces when integrating AI into the curriculum, with a focus on ChatGPT, from the perspective of a group of teachers (n=27). Responses are collected through a  web-based structured interview. The results support the integration of AI in higher education.


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How to Cite

Vera, F. (2023). Integration of Artificial Intelligence in the Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities. Transformar, 4(1), 17–34. Retrieved from