Teachers’ viewpont on infusing sustainability in higher education curriculum



Sustainability, Sustainable development, Curriculum, Transformation, Higher education


This article describes the perceptions of a group of Iberoamerican university lecturers on integrating sustainability into the curriculum. Unlike a competence-based approach, it is argued that specific sustainability courses fragment reality, resulting in an inappropriate basis for decision-making on social, economic, environmental and cultural issues, in a systemic way. In fact, from this strategy, nature is seen as an essencially material resource that must be reduced, reused, recycled and regenerated. From a quantitative approach, the responses to a questionnaire on curricular sustainability by a group of higher education teachers (N = 91) are analyzed. The results show that these teachers agrred with Infusing  sustainability into the curriculum, as a transversal skill (M= 4,778). In addition, in the open question, most teachers agree on including sustainability in their own courses, from active methodologies. Therefore, it is concluded that specific courses on sustainability are not the best strategy to generate behavioral changes in students.


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How to Cite

Vera, F. (2022). Teachers’ viewpont on infusing sustainability in higher education curriculum. Transformar, 3(2), 17–37. Retrieved from https://revistatransformar.cl/index.php/transformar/article/view/57