Learning English as a Foreign Language (L2) in undergraduate students: An ethnographic study in a Chinese university



Communicative approach, Interpersonal Skills, Cross-cultural teaching, Foreign Language


In a globalized world, English is considered the lingua franca for international relations and communications. In China, learning English is critical to the business purposes of this giant Asian nation. This work is based on the author’s ethnographic notes jotted down during his academic stay at Zhejiang Gongshang University (ZGU), in his role as a teacher of English as a foreign language (L2). This study contributes to understanding the complexity of teaching English in a foreign country, especially when teachers and students come from different cultures. The results highlight the need for the new generation of English teachers to include, in their teaching practice, both instrumental, interpersonal and systemic skills, in a comprehensive manner.

Author Biography

Fernando Vera, Universidad La República

Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación, mención Evaluación y Acreditación; Master en Administración y Gestión Educacional; Master en Currículum y Evaluación; Master en Tecnología, Aprendizaje y Educación. Líneas de investigación: Desarrollo de competencias genéricas, metodologías activas e integración de tecnología en el currículo.


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How to Cite

Vera, F. (2021). Learning English as a Foreign Language (L2) in undergraduate students: An ethnographic study in a Chinese university. Transformar, 2(3), 30–43. Retrieved from https://revistatransformar.cl/index.php/transformar/article/view/32

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