Teachers' experiences during the pandemic



COVID-19, Pandemic


In this Book we give an account of the many ways in which COVID-19 has impacted our work as teachers. Originally, we sought to provide accounts from fellow teachers of all educational levels, based on their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, we were forced to include other related data, due to the low number of contributions. Now, the interesting thing about this situation is that a tremendous opportunity was opened up to us to explore other sources of data collection, such as the documentary review, the survey and virtual ethnography.

Author Biography

Fernando Vera, La República University

Doctor of Educational Sciences, mention in Evaluation and Accreditation; Master in Educational Administration and Management; Master in Curriculum and Evaluation; Master in Technology, Learning and Education. Research lines: Development of generic skills, active methodologies and integration of technology in the curriculum.



How to Cite

Vera, F. (2021). Teachers’ experiences during the pandemic . Transformar, 2(4), 1–73. Retrieved from https://revistatransformar.cl/index.php/transformar/article/view/35