Evolution of Educational Modalities: A Look at Institutional Redesign and Trends Towards Emerging Hybrid Education: The Case of ESCA-UST at IPN


  • Georgette del Pilar Pavía González Instituto Politécnico Nacional-ESCA ST
  • Oscar Barrón Ochoa Instituto Politécnico Nacional-ESCA ST https://orcid.org/0009-0006-6644-0414


Higher education, Educational modalities, Curriculum redesign, Hybrid education, Educational management


The National Polytechnic Institute since 2004 was concerned about being at the forefront in education, so in 2006 released its eighteen for the reform that aimed to update the Institutional Educational Model (MEI), this promoted the creation of modalities: face-to-face, non-face-to-face and mixed, also the “Polivirtual” which is within a virtual platform in Moodle and currently serves the upper secondary, higher and postgraduate. This research aims to describe the evolution of the modalities in the ESCA UST of the IPN seen from the redesign to show the trends of hybrid-emergent education through the documentary method. Part of the results obtained refer to the difficulty of the redesign for educational achievement, as well as the design of some materials to face the hybrid education that is currently required. On the other hand, part of the conclusions shows that the IPN modalities are understood in one way and the use of semantics is another, besides hybridism is an emerging trend that has to make adaptations through educational management for the achievement of the institutional mission.


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How to Cite

Pavía González, G. del P., & Barrón Ochoa, O. (2024). Evolution of Educational Modalities: A Look at Institutional Redesign and Trends Towards Emerging Hybrid Education: The Case of ESCA-UST at IPN. Transformar, 5(2), 53–70. Retrieved from https://revistatransformar.cl/index.php/transformar/article/view/128