Organizational Learning and Job Performance in Preschool Education Management Personnel in Guayas, Sonora


  • Rosa del Carmen Fiol Gómez Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora, México
  • Luis Fernando Olachea-Parra Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora, México


Organizational Learning, Performance, Principal, Preschool education


The objective is to determine the relationship between organizational learning and job performance in directors of public preschool education institutions in Guaymas, Sonora. The study is quantitative and correlational. Conclusion, the manager acquires knowledge from his superiors, by sharing with teachers and working in groups. There are principals who do not seek to document themselves in matters of managerial function, they consider that the information they transmit to teachers is applied and contributes to the achievement of work objectives, others mention that they organize the content of the meetings. In the performance factor, it is concluded that the majority of management personnel considers themselves to be known for a positive attitude in pedagogical work.


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How to Cite

Fiol Gómez, R. del C., & Olachea-Parra, L. F. (2024). Organizational Learning and Job Performance in Preschool Education Management Personnel in Guayas, Sonora. Transformar, 4(3), 45–54. Retrieved from