Awareness-raising on time management and healthy routines for higher education teachers



Higher Education Institutions, Educational environment, Healthy routines, Time management, Physical and emotional health


In Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), faculty members are prone to experiencing Burnout syndrome, cortisol segregation, chronic-degenerative diseases, panic or anxiety attacks, depression, among others. During the confinement and now in face-to-face settings, the teaching staff has faced the invasion of their personal spaces, which has led to physical and emotional health issues such as insomnia, panic and anxiety attacks, obesity, hypertension, heart conditions, depression, etc. Due to these excesses in the workplace, there is absenteeism, resignations, dropout rates, aggressive psychiatric treatments, unemployment, excessive indebtedness, and other conditions that exacerbate social deterioration. Emotional health is something that is currently being given importance; the serious consequences it has on people's physical health and therefore on their social and financial stability have been demonstrated. In this study, the aim was to sensitize faculty members to a program of awareness for healthy routines and time management.


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How to Cite

Pavía González, G. del P. (2024). Awareness-raising on time management and healthy routines for higher education teachers. Transformar, 1(5), 24–36. Retrieved from